رقم التسجيل في الولايات المتحدة EIN: 37-1900910
رقم التسجيل في أمريكا
EIN: 37-1900910

News Ticker (En)

Shams El Kuloub University welcomes it's studentds and visitors        Shams El Kuloub University is registerd in the United Stated of America EIN: 37-1900910        Faculties in the university: Islamic Studies, Therapeutic Nutrition, Business Administration, Law, Education, and Arabic Language        Advertisements        Soon, Sharia courses with scientists from Islamic world, in virtual classrooms with audio and video. Certificates are available in the end of each course        Soon, Diploma courses in Therapeutic Nutrition with Dr. Bassem Al Jassem dean of Faculty of Therapeutic Nutrition        Shams El Kuloub University needs agent from all over the world, contact us on our email address please

Enroll in Shams Elkuloub University

Joining us you will master the skills of excellent enovative education, specialized profissional skills and the needs of practical life, through our advanced educational programs and continues practice based on the newest scientific and practical programs that are academically certified and according to the best international theories in different fields of science.