رقم التسجيل في الولايات المتحدة EIN: 37-1900910
رقم التسجيل في أمريكا
EIN: 37-1900910

News Ticker (En)

Shams El Kuloub University welcomes it's studentds and visitors        Shams El Kuloub University is registerd in the United Stated of America EIN: 37-1900910        Faculties in the university: Islamic Studies, Therapeutic Nutrition, Business Administration, Law, Education, and Arabic Language        Advertisements        Soon, Sharia courses with scientists from Islamic world, in virtual classrooms with audio and video. Certificates are available in the end of each course        Soon, Diploma courses in Therapeutic Nutrition with Dr. Bassem Al Jassem dean of Faculty of Therapeutic Nutrition        Shams El Kuloub University needs agent from all over the world, contact us on our email address please


Our vision for the university is to be an example of pioneer special virtual university through the commitment of the higher educational quality standards, offering academic certified courses, and supporting academic researches to contribute building future leaders in all aspects of life.


Preparing human resources that are qulaified morally, scientifically and professionally to fit the society's needs, and developing the flexible e-learning system and increasing society's trust in it to make learning opportunities available for all soical classes through certified academic programmes and ceeping up with the scientific and technical modern progress.


  1. Attract special students and let them increase their creativity and focus on their knowledge to have an important role in building civilization.
  2. Provide special high quality academic programmes.
  3. Strengthen the principle of continuing education, and contribute in sustainable development for serving human societies.
  4. Execute educational system in all fields through academic programmes for all grades and degrees.
  5. Commitment to quality standards and high performance in e-learning according to the best international systems.
  6. Build scientific, cultural and academic ties with international universities, educational institutions and research centers.